GIC Re is one of the largest reinsurance company owed by Government of India. The company invites application for the post of Assistant Manager in the various fields such as Agriculture, Audit, Finance, Insurance, Information Technology, etc. Energetic, young and interested candidates with brilliant academic record in concerned field are eligible to apply for the post from mentioned various vacancies. The details regarding the posts are given below.
Job Description:
Job Title: Assistance Manager (subject to various posts)
Number of vacancies: Total 73 posts (including reserved category)
Salary: Rs.17240/- per month as basic pay will be received by appointed candidate in the pay scale of Rs. 17240-840 (14)-29000-910-(4)-32640 with other admissible allowances.
Educational Qualification: Education qualifications are varied from post to post. Candidates are requested to see the original notification (given below).
Age Limit: Age of the candidate should be between 21 to 30 years.
Age Relaxation: Relaxation in the age can be permissible as per the prevailing rules.
Dates to Remember: The last date of online registration is 31/03/2013. Candidates must send specified envelope as it reached on or before 08/03/2013. Tentative date of written examination is 05/05/2013.
Application Fees: A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.500/- is should be payable by every candidate drawn in favour of “General Insurance Corporation of India” payable at Mumbai. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Selection Process: Selection of the candidate will be based on written test, group discussion ant personal interview.
The address:
The Advertiser,
Post Bag No 781,
Circus Avenue Post Office,
Kolkata – 700 017
Source Website:
Read original notification at here:
Online Application form link:
Job Description:
Job Title: Assistance Manager (subject to various posts)
Number of vacancies: Total 73 posts (including reserved category)
Salary: Rs.17240/- per month as basic pay will be received by appointed candidate in the pay scale of Rs. 17240-840 (14)-29000-910-(4)-32640 with other admissible allowances.
Educational Qualification: Education qualifications are varied from post to post. Candidates are requested to see the original notification (given below).
Age Limit: Age of the candidate should be between 21 to 30 years.
Age Relaxation: Relaxation in the age can be permissible as per the prevailing rules.
Dates to Remember: The last date of online registration is 31/03/2013. Candidates must send specified envelope as it reached on or before 08/03/2013. Tentative date of written examination is 05/05/2013.
Application Fees: A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.500/- is should be payable by every candidate drawn in favour of “General Insurance Corporation of India” payable at Mumbai. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Selection Process: Selection of the candidate will be based on written test, group discussion ant personal interview.
How to apply for officers posts in General Insurance Corporation of India:
Qualified candidates may apply online in given format through the official website After submitting all details, candidate should take printout of acknowledgement slip. Original DD, acknowledgement slip and copies of necessary certificates should be covered in envelop super scribed with “Application for the Post of Assistant Manager in GIC Re” and send to the below address by speed post/ ordinary post.The address:
The Advertiser,
Post Bag No 781,
Circus Avenue Post Office,
Kolkata – 700 017
Source Website:
Read original notification at here:
Online Application form link:
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